Built with Webstudio
Open Source
All CSS properties
Dynamic at the speed of static

A happy place to design and build for the web

Use the full power of CSS with an advanced visual builder, connect your frontend to any backend, and avoid hosting lock-in.
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Webstudio AI - Build 3x faster with voice and AI | Product Hunt
Webstudio CMS - The best CMS is the one you already use. | Product Hunt
The sites load blazingly fast - considerably faster than Webflow
Chris Wood Picture
Chris Wood
UI/UX Designer
omg I just discovered collections inside collections 🤯 Webflow: we accept max 1 collection in a collection. Webstudio: we accept limitless collections in collections. This is so epic, thank you Webstudio!! 🙏🙏🙏
Ronald Weijden picture
Ronald Weijden
omg I just discovered collections inside collections 🤯 Webflow: we accept max 1 collection in a collection. Webstudio: we accept limitless collections in collections. This is so epic, thank you Webstudio!! 🙏🙏🙏
Ronald Weijden picture
Ronald Weijden
My mind is blown. It's like an open-source Webflow, but that truly only tries to be the frontend and lets other tried-and-true services power the backend.
Charles Njoku picture
Chase Raz
Founder of RCR Business Ventures
Once you realize the power & potential Webstudio has to offer, you can see through the limitations of other website builders like Framer or Webflow
Ankur Puri
Ankur Puri
Software Engineer
I really like Webstudio. It's super fast and super clean.
Samuel Gregory
Samuel Gregory (Webflow and Code)
Engineer, Designer, Content Creator

Frontend for any web experience


Full power of CSS in a visual tool to control every property, unit, and breakpoint. Optimize for search engines as perfect Lighthouse scores are highly attainable. Iterate quickly, without writing code.

Style panel and components in no code visual editor with tokens

Built with Webstudio

Webstudio Example Unsloth (SaaS)Webstudio Example Chris Wood (Personal/portfolio)Webstudio Example dooodles (SaaS)Webstudio Example Risen (SaaS)Webstudio Example Fedir (designer)Webstudio Example IntroniceWebstudio Example lyckeborgs (education)
Open Core Logo ShellNo platform lock-in illustration

No hosting lock–in

We’ll never lock you in to our platform. Our Builder is open source and AGPL licensed.

You can self-host, contribute to development, and even create your own software on top of our technology.

Edge Workers globe illustration

Dynamic at the speed of static

We deploy your site to Cloudflare Workers— biggest network of servers distributed across the globe in over 270 locations. It delivers your website to your users with exceptional performance, no matter if its static or renders dynamic data from any API or database.

Style panel illustration

Manage styles with Design Tokens

Using classes sounds like a good idea until you have to maintain 500 of them. Our Local Styles let you style without creating classes or naming anything.

With Design Tokens, keeping your work in sync with your design system won’t feel like a burden.

Privacy focused

We aim to be fully GDPR compliant. We do not track users, our analytics are completely anonymized, and data is hosted within Europe.

Collaborate with anyone for free

Gain control over project access. Generate a personal link for any collaborator and easily manage access.

Perfect image optimization

Automatically render responsive WebP images for maximum site speed and no quality loss.

Feature roadmap

Coming soon


Coming soon


Coming soon

Interactions &

has arrived