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No-code static site generator

Build with Webstudio, export with one click, and upload to your favorite hosting platform.

Dynamic exports are also available
Host anywhere with logos of the various static hosting providers
Host anywhere with logos of the various static hosting providers

Complete control, code-free

Spend less than half the time creating a static website using an advanced visual builder (compared to custom coding).

Control your hosting

Static sites are simple to host, enabling you to choose virtually any platform.

Logos for SSG hosting including Cloudflare, Vercel, Netlify, and moreLogos for SSG hosting including Cloudflare, Vercel, Netlify, and more

Build without code

Save time using a no-code builder that aligns its naming conventions with code.

No-code style panel for static generator

No bloat exports

  • No jQuery
  • Optional atomic CSS output
  • Minified CSS and JS
  • No third-party dependencies
  • No cookies
perfect ligthouse scores

Export clean HTML and CSS

Control whether the export contains human-readable or optimized classes for reduced CSS file size.

Static site html and css with human-readable class names

Export static sites or dynamic apps

Export your Webstudio Project as a static site or dynamic JavaScript application.

Static sites

Static files like index.html and assets folder
  • More hosting options
  • Simpler to work with
  • Cheaper to host
  • No dynamic features (see limitations)
Static site docs

Dynamic apps

Dynamic files like app and package.json
  • Dynamic functionality like CMS & image optimization
  • Grow your content infinitely
  • Better UX (client navigation, filters, and more)
  • More technical to work with
Dynamic app docs

Export with a button or the CLI

Builder download

One-click exporting downloads a zip file that is ready to be dragged and dropped to any hosting provider or committed to your repository.

Download docs
Export status site button


Run one command to download your Project as a static site ready for deployment or version control.

CLI docs
static site generator command
Build without code, export a static site
Start building
Available on all tiers


What is a static site generator?

A static site generator translates what you've built into HTML, CSS, and JS files that are ready to be served to users. Static sites don't require server-side processing or databases, making hosting dead simple.

For example, if a visitor goes to "/contact", the HTML file in the /contact folder is loaded.

Isn't Webstudio dynamic?

Yes. Webstudio Projects are dynamic-first, resulting in the most power and capabilities, such as CMS and image optimization. However, there are use cases to export a static version of the Project, which is why we added a static site generator to the export methods.

What are the use cases for exporting a static site?

Exported static sites lack features like a CMS for blogging and redirects, making them ideal for simple sites.

Use cases:

  • Landing pages
  • Simple marketing sites
  • Personal sites
  • Working with a specific hosting provider

What are the limitations of Webstudio static websites?

Any dynamic functionality is not a part of the static website.

See Static Site Limitations for a complete list.

What are my hosting options?

Static sites are in tune with the very first websites, making virtually all hosting providers capable of serving them.

However, we prefer dedicated static site hosting and deployment platforms for their UX, pricing, and features. Platforms such as GitHub Pages, Netlify, Vercel, and Cloudflare Pages offer an experience perfectly aligned with the needs of static websites. See Platforms for Static Sites for a list of tutorials.

Is this free?

Yes. Static site exports are available on all tiers, enabling you to build and export for free. Hosting costs depend on the platform you choose. As always, you can publish directly to the Webstudio Cloud for free.

Next-gen builder, next-gen infrastructure.

Start building
Screenshots of Webstudio website builder

Full power of CSS in a visual tool

Control every property, unit, and breakpoint (no-code).

Frontend that can talk to any backend

Fetch any HTTP API and bind response data.

Naming styles is optional

Create one-off style changes without having to name anything.

Reusable styles without classes

Build a large website without the pain of combo classes.

Scale without worrying about costs

From your first visitor to your billionth, pay only for what you use.

No hosting lock-in

You can self-host anywhere without paying Webstudio.

Built with Webstudio