Advanced Open Source Website Builder
Webstudio supports all CSS properties, connects to any headless CMS, and can be hosted anywhere, including with us.
Other platforms are stuck in 2015
Can't rearrange classes
You must do it perfectly right the first time.
You get a class, you get a class!
"Our CMS is the best"
That favorite tool of yours is not welcome.
"We own your stuff"
And there's no good export option.
Tired of these problems?
We care about speed, maintainability, and using the latest standards. Even for small personal sites.
Do one thing extremely well
Our focus is building a world-class visual development tool that outputs the fastest sites. For everything else, we leverage the ecosystem.
Align with web standards
Webstudio aims to provide a UI that aligns with the tried-and-true conventions of the web, allowing you to visually leverage its power and only write code where it serves as a better tool.
No hosting lock-in
Webstudio is open source and can be hosted anywhere. While our cloud offers sustainable, low-cost pricing, users have peace of mind knowing they can fully export their site.
Frontend for any web experience
Full power of CSS in a visual tool to control every property, unit, and breakpoint. Optimize for search engines as perfect Lighthouse scores are highly attainable. Iterate quickly, without writing code.
All featuresVisual CSS, Reimagined. Create consistently with reusable styles and access to every CSS property.
Reusable styles without classes.
- Create consistent designs
- Ditch the pain of combo classes
- Rearrange and remove Tokens
Style without naming.
- Create one-off styles
- Override other styles
- Experiment